Thursday, September 4, 2008

6 A.M.

Why in the world am I up at 6AM? Actually, I woke up at 5:45, to the sound of Lanie crying. I wanted her to go back to sleep, but she had other intentions. And I didn't want to lay back down and get all comfy and then have to wake up an hour later. I HATE THAT!! So I just stayed up. And now Lanie is getting all the clean clothes out of the hamper and putting them on...t-shirts, panties, shorts, whatever...they are all hanging around her waist. LoL.

I went to bed pretty early last night. Early for me. I usually stay up until about 1 or 2 reading. But last night I think I needed to catch up, and ended up falling asleep around 10:30 and I slept like a baby!! I woke up at 3:45 to go to the bathroom and I was still laying in the same position that I was in when I crashed. Well, when that happens that usually means that I am gonna be hurting like hell when I get up. Sure enough, I could hardly get out of bed. I made it to the bathroom, slowly, and then I took a pain pill and sat on my heating pad.

Weird fact about Staci: I don't sleep very well at night, but not only is it because of my back, its because I have nightmares. Well, really, not even "nightmares" per say. Umm, I just think weird stuff, or think I see things that creep me the hell out. For instance, on the wall that my headboard is on, I have one of those big stars, one on my side, one on Gary's side. At the foot of my bed is my dresser with a huge mirror on it. So when I open my eyes and look at the foot of the bed, I can see the mirror, and those stars. One night I woke up, and glanced up there, and for a second, I thought they were hanging upside down!!
Upside down stars in the middle of the night, or a bad dream = Scary. Or another weird thing is this: I go to bed, and I sleep in just my t-shirt and no pants, shorts or anything. Well, I wake up in a fright thinking that I have people staying the night at my house and they are gonna see me in my panties or something!! So I spring out of bed, and quickly put my shorts on or something, and then I just go right back to sleep. This happens a lot. Also, I have no doors on my closet, so my clothes that are hanging there, swaying in the breeze of the fan, yeah, you see where I am going with this, right? LoL. Sometimes if I wake up and glance towards the closet, I get all scared, and have to go rearrange my clothes so they won't be hanging a certain way. I have a mirror on my wall on the wall by my bedroom door, and under that is like this thing that has 5 hooks on it, to hang coats up, shirts, purses, whatever. Every night, before I go to bed, I take everything off those hooks so that I don't wake up and see something. When there is anything dark hanging up there, and I wake up, half in a daze, it looks like that little girl that crawls out of the well on The Ring, with her black, long hair in her face and stuff!!! I mean, I am weird!!!

But I think a lot of it has to do with those stupid muscle relaxers that I have to take each night. Because they make me all loopy, and I crash hard when I do finally fall asleep, but I always, WITHOUT FAIL, wake up at some point in the night with some weird thought, or I think I hear something, anything. And all this intensifies when Gary is at the rig and I am sleeping alone. But he catches it night I woke up and started hitting him! LoL...He was like, "STACI! What the hell are you doing???" Hahaha.

So why am I writing about all of this? Because now I am freaking tired from waking up so early and I can already tell this is gonna be a long day. As soon as Lanie lays her pretty little head down, I will be laying my pretty little head down too! I may just camp out on the couch all day again!! Nah...I gots too much to do today. Unfortunately.

Anyways, I am sure I will write some more tonight. =]