Thursday, May 22, 2008


Another bright point in my life.

Shortly after I decided to look into this whole surgery thing, I was talking to my good friend Tricia, and she was telling me about talking to another Mom in our Mommy group thing. Tricia said that this other girl has scoliosis and was having surgery, and that I might want to get in touch with her. I called her that same night. :)

Well, it turns out that Meg was going to have surgery with Dr. Shelokov on May 21!! Now how odd is that? I mean, for so long, I was not going to do this, and then I decide to, and then I meet someone who lives close to me who is having surgery with the same doctor that I inquired about. It is more than a mere coincedence. It was God. Like He was giving me another sign that, yes, its ok to go with this. Or that is how I felt anyways.

So we became fast friends, with this one very serious issue that bonded us right away. She is my age, has two kids (both boys), has a husband in the oil field, who worked on the same ranch as Gary did, I mean, all these things we could talk about. But to actually meet someone who KNEW what it was like to be in my shoes was a very comforting thought. I just couldn't get over the fact that I had met her. All these years, she lived in Indiana, and I in Texas, and she moves down here and shortly after, we meet. She has eased a lot of my fears and I actually look to her for strength through all of this.

Its like I decide to do this and I am barely in square one. She is already close to the finish line, and she is my guiding light :) She tells me what to expect at the drs office, what hotels to stay in, how the hospital treats you and all of that. And for that, I am so thankful. It just makes me wonder why she didn't have someone sent into her life before she made the decision to have this operation done. Why didn't she have anyone to console her and let her know what to expect and all that? When I told my grandma about this, she said that some people are just meant to be leaders. I guess Meg is that person, because she is definitely leading me, and I know she will be there for me, as I will be for her.

We crack jokes about how we pop pills and all that. We have to have a sense of humor about all of this. We hate the fact that our only option to have a somewhat normal life is to have this MAJOR surgery. We know what its like to hurt all the time, and how even breathing is a job sometimes. I love her for all the insight she has given me and the hope that I can be as strong as she is.

She had her surgery on May 21, 2008. I cried when I got the e-mail from her husband saying that everything went very well, and that her back was STRAIGHT now!!! I can't believe it. I wish so bad that I could be there with her when she see's her new x-rays, and see's that she is no longer crooked. What a weight off of her shoulders that will be. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. Meg, I love you lots and I can't wait to hear from you!!

She and I used to say that we were the best crooked friends ever. Well, after this is all said and done, we will be Scar Buddies...and like she said, we will stand tall and show the world how strong we are for going through this. Not just the surgery alone. But all the years we spent in pain. All the psychological damage it has caused. All the tears we cried, just for doing normal things. Everything we've gone through, and the tears we've shed, will be all a memory when this is all said and done.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that was me, Tricia, and you're welcome :P