Thursday, May 22, 2008

So I changed my mind a little

After knowing that Meg's surgery went so well, I want to do mine sooner than expected. I am so tired of living like this, and want to do something QUICK. If I could, I would do the surgery right now..

So I e-mailed the doctor and asked them about this, if we can get the ball rolling any sooner. I am waiting to hear back from them :)


Steve sculpts critters said...

You might want to give a MedX equipped center a try (or a gym), they have specialized machines for strengthening spinal muscles which they say helps.
Worth a try before surgery?

Anonymous said...

Staci I dont really know you all that well, but what I do know is you have a strong spirit and your spirit along with your growing support system will always be here for you.!!!! I hope I can be be part of your growing support system and help you get through this very tough time. I know it has been going on for a long time and I am just coming in towards the end but whatever I can do, whether it be sitting with you at the drs or just chatting or just praying for you here at home I am here and will be :)...your fellow oilfield wife and trashy mommy lol Kendra