Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vacation Day 1

I am hoping to get an entire post typed out before I lose signal...believe it or not, I am in the middle of the state capital, a city of 656,000 people and I have signal as if I am out in the booneys or something. My cell phone is no better and when I called to check on Lanie, I kept dropping the call. Arrrgghhhhh!!!!

Anyways, we got out of town around 10:30 this morning, and headed south-east, and made it to Austin around 5:30. Of course, we stopped a couple times and then we got here right as 5 o'clock traffic was hitting and we got a little stuck. I took pictures of the traffic jam. How hick-fied is that?? Haha! I did relatively good as far as pain went. And I drove about haflway too. I got a little sore towards the end, even having taken one pain pill, and Gary took over driving in Brady.

Kaci griped the entire time...."When are we gonna be there? How many more miles? How many more minutes? How many more miliseconds?" LoL!! Yesterday, she griped all day, "Mom, I want to go on the trip NOWWWWWW!!!"...She doesn't comprehend that part of the fun of a vacation is GETTING THERE. :]

We get to our hotel, and can I just say for the record that GPS systems are one of the best creations out there...I mean, they just tell you where to go and totally takes the stress out of travelling! Anyways, so we check in, our room is nice, and we are sitting around. Kaci wants to swim but its cloudy outside. But she finally asked if we could go look at the pool. So we go look and its sunny enough that she can swim, so I let her change into her swimsuit. I was watching her swim and then Gary comes out with his swimsuit on and starts to swim. Gary hasn't been swimming in YEARS! So then I decided I would swim too, and it was the most fun I have had in a long time. Being in the water, I had no pressure points and I was totally pain free, which felt awesome. We swam for almost 3 hours!

Now we are back in our hotel room and we just ordered pizza. Also, I took a shower and I am sooooo wishing that Odessa had GOOD water like here! I actually feel clean after showering! I am sure we will sleep really good tonight, I only had 4 hours of sleep last night, then driving, and then swimming, I am beat!

Tomorrow, we are going to downtown Austin to look at historic sites and then driving to San Marcos to go shopping!!! :]

I'll post more tomorrow!!