Monday, September 26, 2011


I don't have anything specific to write about, no special witty comments or anything.

I haven't written because I fell into a deep depression. Yes, I suffer from clinical depression. I have to take medicine for it, or else it gets really bad. I have been going to these doctors who are just general MDs and they wouldn't take me or my symptoms seriously, so I started seeing an actual therapist.

The medicine I am currently taking just doesn't seem to be working like it used to, and so the doctor gave me another antidepressant to take along with it, and so far so good. I hate being reliant on medicine, but such is life.

Clinical depression runs in my family. Its not the same as just feeling blue for a day or two. This last bout, I had gotten to where I didn't want to see anyone, go anywhere, do anything. I wasn't suicidal, but I would go to bed wishing I just wouldn't wake up the next morning. I hate feeling that way. And you can't just "snap out of it", like some people like to say when they hear someone is depressed.

I, and millions of others, need medication for the actual chemical imbalance in our brains. Depression is a silent disease and needs treated just like a diabetic needs insulin.

Today was ok though..


Dahl Face said...

Hey, Staci, I just came across your blog while I was looking for blogs on Scoliosis. I wanted to follow your blog, but I didn't see a 'follow' button anywhere..

I get where you're coming from with your depression, it isn't something you can just "snap" out of. Mental illness runs in my family, so although I am only 16, I have been suffering from depression since I was 11 or 12 years old. Haha, I'm sure it's a bit odd thinking of a kid with depression..

I have days where I just can't find the will to get out of bed, I'll spend entire weekends locked in my room. Sometimes it takes me an entire hour just to convince myself to get up to eat. My older sister and my Aunt have both tried to kill themselves in the past few years, though, so I have never gotten to that point seeing how it negatively affected the rest of the family.

I know how difficult it is to accomplish anything when you're depressed, so I want to say Good Job on still finding enough energy to write your last blog entry. I hope you are doing better now.