Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"I've had better days..."

"In airports with rain delays,
Flat tires in traffic jams,
And anytime I've been damned,
I've had better days,
When the pain wouldn't go away,
And tears watering down my pride, yeah I've had better"

Thats the song that I listened to over and over today when I got off work. Ok so it wasn't the more horrible of days, but I am just down in the dumps anyways, so it seemed worse to me. I know other peoples problems pale in comparison to mine, but still...

I usually work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from about 8-5:30ish. Well, school registration fell on August 4th and 5th (today and tomorrow) and I had to go. I asked my boss if I could possibly get off a little early so I could register Kaci for school. Instead my boss had me go register Kaci this morning, and then go ahead and come to her house no later than 9:30. I was grateful that she was able to work her schedule around so I could do this. Anyways, so I get up and go register her and I am done by 8:40. I get out to my car, and my back tire is flat...completely. Of course, Gary is at dads phone went straight to voicemail...I had no one else to call other than my granddad. I didn't want to have to call him, he is 72 and is facing a knee replacement surgery and I didn't want him to have to get down there and mess with it. But I had no choice. He shows up, and he lets me take his car to work so that I wouldn't be late, and he finished up on mine and took the tire to be fixed while I was at work. After work, I was to go get my car from him and give his back.

Anyways, so the flat tire just dampened the whole day. Then I get off work and I am going to get my car. I tell my grandma that I can't stay long because I gotta go get my girls. Well she tells me to come in, that she has to tell me something and they didn't tell me sooner because they didn't want to upset me at work. So I am thinking, "OMG someone died" I sit down and she tells me that my tire wasn't just flat, but it was SLASHED. Had two knife punctures in it. I just started bawling...its bad enough that Gary is gone all the time and I am by myself and I get lonely and all that...but then I find out my car is vandalized! Now I am not sure where it happened, because when I left the house, the tire was fine. We live about a mile from the school, when I got out at the school, the tire was fine. It was after I registered Kaci that it was flat. If it had been done at home, wouldn't it have gone flat by the time I had gotten to the school? So some random person walking in the school parking lot decided my tire needed a hole in it? UGH!!!

To top it off, we had a recent storm and it blew my back fence down completely...and my backyard is totally exposed and we live on a corner lot, so everyone can see my backyard. And I sleep alone at night and then my backyard is all out in the open now and then my tire gets slashed. It didn't help that I didn't get a good nights sleep last night, because I heard every noise and I probably got about 4 hours of broken sleep total. So I was already worn out when I woke up this morning. I could go on and on, but I will just shut up already.

I am gonna go take some pain meds and lay on my heating pad and rest and read and go to sleep!! I am wiped out. I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Eight31 said...

awww what a mess!
Friday...FRIDAY...I will BE in Odessa and I WILL come and VISIT. You better mark it on your calendar, write it on your walls, scribble it on your hand....LOL

oh and do what I tell my kids to do BREATHE in and out a few times slowly lol

Love ya!!

Traci S Chazen said...

FYI, sorry to ruin your week (it looks awful as it is! slashed but Dr. Shelokov died on the 5th. The day after your posting. Valley Lawn funeral home will be making the arrangements - looks like you really saw dr. Shelokov as a great man, I worked with him all last year in the OR and am saddened by this news. Thought you, as someone who honored him in your blog, would want to know.