Sunday, August 17, 2008

150 Days until surgery

I just happen to know that because I have a little countdown thing on my Myspace profile...haha!

Anyways, yesterday I didn't do much of anything...still trying to recuperate after getting back into town. Also, it rained ALL. DAY. LONG! That is very rare for Odessa. So it would have been an awesome day to just stay in bed...but obviously kids don't see cloudy days that way! :] My friend, Ashley, was supposed to come by, but the rain was so bad that they were afraid of being flooded in. So they didn't come by. But sadly, right after she called to tell me she wasn't coming, about an hour later, the rain When the rain stopped, the girls and I went to HEB, I didn't have any bread and very little milk, so I had to go.

I decided that I should get back on my anti-depressant, because I do feel better about things when I take them. I take Wellbutrin, and that is the best anti-depressant I have been on. The only side effect that I don't particularly care for is that it makes me irritable, and that is the last thing I need. But I am gonna try and work on that. I figured the closer I get to surgery, I am gonna have spells of depression and/or outright fear and this may help. I also started taking a womens multi-vitamin too. Only thing that sucks is that I feel like I am taking 1,435 pills a day now! Oh well......

Today, I am feeling lazy. It's Sunday, nothing is on TV. I am sitting on the couch, playing on my laptop and listening to my iPod, while the girls are playing and watching the Disney channel. Later on, around 2:30, my Nana, my girls and I are gonna go eat lunch together at a Chinese buffet in Midland. But, I am kinda craving Mexican food...some yummy cheese enchilada's and chips and salsa....yeah that sounds we may end up at a Mexican restaurant, much to Nana's dismay, as she LOVES Chinese food. haha.

Tomorrow will be one week until school starts! I am really happy about that. I know some moms gush about how much they will miss their kids and all that...but, uh, not me. LoL. I mean., I do miss her, but its driving me crazy to have her here all day, and she is in this stage right now where she LOVES to pester her sister! Then Lanie comes crying to me, and this goes on ALL. DAY. LONG. Arrrgggghhhh!!! Lanie also starts school sometime in September, just two days a week. But I think it will do me good to have a break from the girls!!

Anyways, I am going to get off here and get ready to go eat lunch....



Anonymous said...

150 days seems SO close. I know what you mean about a dreary, stay in bed kind of day. I've been doing,umm....NOTHING today. I see the sun peaking through the clouds, ruins the peaceful mode. I cant WAIT until cameron goes back to school, he's pestering gavin, gavins pestering him, he cries like their ages should be reversed, and it drives me insane. Hopefully the anti-depressants will help with everything going on with you.
Love ya