Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's not just me....

....that this affects.

I need to learn to be careful when I am looking things up on the internet about this surgery.

Everyone knows that children do not like to see their Mom crying. I've come across many stories and blogs, and then I discovered that YouTube even has videos that scoliosis surgery patients have made. And I was sitting there, in tears, engrossed in these videos. And my six year old daughter just started to cry, "Mama, I don't want you to go..."

She was sitting right beside me and saw some of the images of the patients, their before and after pictures, pictures of them in the hospital, things of that nature. I didn't think she was paying attention. But now I have scared her, and I didn't even mean to. I can't explain to her how Mama needs this surgery to have a better life. All she can think about is the fact that I will be going to a hospital and her life will be quite interrupted during all of this.

So from now on, when I am researching things on the internet, I will make sure my daughter doesn't see me get all emotional...because all though this is gonna be a GREAT thing for me, it scares her now, and I don't want to do that.


Eight31 said...

If she gets too emotional, we can talk to her together, does she know that I already had the surgery? That could help her deal a bit better seeing how well I am doing? That I also still take the boys to play dates, and still have fun with them. Maybe even talking with Roman could help her, you never know. Hang in there and stop freaking yourself out!

Anonymous said...

We all know that kids freak out about anything when they know their parents are hurting. She probably does not see your pain currently and does not realize how much this surgery will help you. I think that this will be the best thing in the world and she will see how much better mom gets around after the recovery period. I think she's old enough now that you can explain it to her a little more right before the surgery, maybe even see if you can take her to your dr appointment in October and see if Dr S can reassure her while he's reassuring you. I cant think of any other way to do this but her main worry right now is probably that you are not going to come out of surgery, and we all know that you will be fine. Love ya!