Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Couch = Good

I am still stuck on the couch for the time being. Only getting up to do little things. Lanie is being unbelieveably good. She just stays in the living room and is letting me relax.

I called my pain management doctor to tell them that I have obviously taken a turn for the worse and my pain meds aren't cutting it anymore. Last night I was so desperate to get the pain to stop that I took 3 of my pain pills at one time!! And it did help, so that only tells me I need something stronger. I don't believe I am addicted, per say, but accustomed to the strength that I am on now. But I haven't ever taken anything stronger than Norco. And I am afraid to, because how will I manage pain after the surgery if I am accustomed to taking the strong stuff already. I also emailed Dr. S (well, I emailed Shaun, the P.A. there) and told him what was going on and what he thought about pain management until surgery. So I am sitting here waiting on the phone to ring, and the email icon to pop up on my screen =]

I did get up on time and got Kaci off to school on time. I am so happy. I have been needing to go to the store for a while now, but keep putting it off because I can hardly walk, let alone carry everything in. So I told Gary I was waiting for him. But I definitely have to go to the store today after school to get a couple of things. But until then, I am just going to hang out on the couch and wait for my doctors to call me. I will probably write more later on tonight...

Adios for now!!