Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So today I had to play catch up on my laundry and other household crap. Not fun. I woke up this morning and its like 60 degrees, cloudy and misting rain. I love that kind of weather. If I had my way, I would have just stayed in bed, but, Kaci needed to go to school and Lanie had to be taken care of...haha.

I get my laundry done for the most part, folded everything, put everything up...I still like about one load to finish. Anyways, in between loads, I was checking my bank account stuff, and I noticed that my mortgage payment that I made on the 3rd still hasn't posted to my account. So I called the mortgage company to ask them about this. Their reply? "We can't tell you anything because you aren't Gary Mobley" OK, So I told them that they must not be too concerned with getting their money then. Then I went to check the mail. I noticed that I got my replacement debit card. CARD! They were supposed to send both Gary and I one, since mine was stolen and I had to cancel the number. So they just send ME one. Hello!!!! I called the bank, and they tell me "Well, Gary needs to come in and sign the commerce card" Well, that dumb bitch at the bank didn't tell me that when I was up there trying to get crap straightened out. I just assumed that since the stolen card number was replaced, that they would replace BOTH cards. UGH!!! After that, Kaci tells me that the necklace she wore to school today was taken up by the teacher. Today was picture day, so she wore this guitar necklace that her daddy gave her. Well, one of her friends asked to wear it, so Kaci let her. Then that friend let another little girl wear it and then they started to argue about it. So the teacher took it up. Kaci was in hysterics about this necklace and it took all I had to console her!!! All this crap happened in about a 5 minute span. UGH!!!!

I got all my laundry washed and only like having to fold it all. My mom came over after work and I helped her with a resume, she is trying to find another job. I get her resume all done, and I go to print it, and my effin printer decided to be gay and not work! I swear. Today just has NOT been my day.

Tomorrow, both girls go to school and I am really, REALLY hoping that its still all nice and cloudy, so that I can come home and just go back to bed and enjoy the QUIET!!!
