Monday, September 1, 2008

Clarifying a few things

Recently, I have started talking to a woman who has had the scoliosis surgery herself, and she has brought a few questions to my attention, that her and her friends have discussed about me.

They read my blog, and some of the things I say have raised concern with them. So I am going to explain my reasoning in this post.

I am going to put their concern and then my answer in italics.

1. Choosing to have surgery with a surgeon who advertises his services.
First off, I must say that Dr. Shelokov doesn't advertise. It is Baylor, advertising the Baylor Scoliosis Center as a whole. He doesn't have corny TV commercials saying "Hey, let me cut your back open, If I can't do it, no one else can!!" I didn't rip his ad out of the National Enquirer, I didn't find his name scribbled on the bathroom walls. I found an ad in the People magazine from a worldly recognized hospital, and their Scoliosis Center. Dr. Shelokov's name wasn't ANYWHERE on that ad.

2. Is the surgery being rushed or pushed upon me by the doctor or his staff?
I am the one who has pushed for the surgery. This is the original plan of action: I found the ad, tore it out, hung on to it, then finally decided to call them. I received their information DVD and watched it the next night. After watching it, I was wishing I could go in that very next day and have the surgery. The DVD described his procedures, his pre-op care, his post-op care, his education, all of that. It had patient testimonials. I was crying by the time it was over. I called them the very next day and said, "When can I come in??" So, my first appointment was in April. I met with Eric, who is Dr. Shelokov's right-hand man. A surgeon, as well. I did my x-rays, he told me my curvatures, and then I asked if they could help me. And he said, "Yes, we can fix your back" After that statement, I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I asked to see x-rays of other female patients, who had double major curves, who had had the surgery. He showed me and then I really couldn't concentrate. All I saw was a light at the end of this very long and painful tunnel. Then he said "I want you to come back in October for another follow up, and then you can meet with Dr. Shelokov, and from there you can decide if surgery is right for you" but by then, I had already decided to go through with it. I made the appointment for October and went home. Then a few weeks ago, I had that episode where my back cracked and I called and asked if my surgery date could be moved up. They said I could have the surgery on December 9th. I said, "No, I want to be able to have a nice Christmas with my kids." So that is how January 15th came in the picture. IF, when I go in October, if I get the brush off, or an overall bad visit, then YES I will take myself elsewhere. But I just don't think that will happen, as I have an peaceful feeling about having this done at Baylor.

2. You can't compare your surgery success to that of your friend, Megs, since you have different curvatures.
I know that Meg's surgery is not, and will not be, like mine. Her back had one curve. I have double curves. I can see that as clear as day. I already had it in my mind to do the surgery, and once I saw that Meg went through it with success, that only validated my decision. I didn't say, "Ok I am having this done because he did a great job with Meg." Although that is how I made it sound in my blog.

3. Do I realize how hard the recovery is going to be? This is not going to be like a c-section.
Yes, I read about the recovery process. I am preparing myself the best I can for the recovery. But how does one know the extent of a recovery until they are actually staring it in the face? Yes, we can read about it, talk to other people about it, talk to others who went through it, but until we are standing there looking it in the eye, we don't know about recovery. I only mentioned the c-section in passing, what I said was that I recovered from my c-section very fast, shocking my OB/GYN, BUT that I KNOW that a c-section is NOTHING compared to what I am about to go through. I didn't say, "Oh yes, I can recover from a c-section with no problems, this will be the same!"

4. Why haven't I seeked a second opinion?
Ok, so maybe I am foolish in this area. You get the chance to have any kind of surgery, you should seek a second opinion. Well I didn't, only because I don't think I need to. Call me foolish all you want, but at this point, with the care I have received thus far, I don't need a second opinion. Who cares about all the years I seeked treatment at a Children's Orthopedic Surgeon, from the ages of 12 to 18? Who told me that I couldn't get worse. That told me surgery wasn't an option, because I wouldn't progress. I find someone who tells me that they can straighten my back, shows me proof of that, talked to other patients of his BESIDES Meg, and I base my opinion on that. Unless something happens, then no, I will not seek a second opinion. I don't have the time to travel all over Texas talking to different spine doctors, who will more than likely tell me the same thing, "That I need surgery". I don't have the childcare to have someone watch my kids while I go visit all these doctors. So these other great spine doctors that also tell me I need surgery, who's to say that someone won't email me and say, "Oh, I wouldn't use him because....." I understand, I KNOW that NO doctor is going to have a 100% success rate, but Dr. Shelokov has helped MANY people and if he is such a bad doctor then why can't I find any dirt on him. Why can't I find any disciplinary actions against him, lawsuits, things of that nature. Yes, I've read a few people say that they wouldn't recommend him. But if I used another doctor, another group of people might say the same about my new decision!

5. Do I have help after surgery?
I made the mistake of saying that I have a husband who isn't there for me to the extent that I need him to be. That as far as recovery, he isn't going to help me. Is that sad? Yes. Do I wish I could change that? Yes. But what is keeping me going in this direction is that I have FAMILY to back me up on this. I have a place to stay, who will make sure my children are taken care of, and will make sure that I am taken care of. I have many, MANY family members and a handful of friends offering their help and concern. IF I didn't have anyone, no family, then I would put off having this surgery until my kids were older, and I could hire a live-in nurse or something like that. I am not so naive that I would take on this huge of a surgery, and not have anything to come home to as far as recovery.

My friend told me to take all this information as it was, concern, not criticism. But I feel as if my blog is being picked apart. Everything I say is being questioned. Yes, I understand that I am probably not making the smartest decisions, as far as not seeking 100 different opinions. Yes, I understand that there are people out there who think that a doctor shouldn't advertise his services [although its Baylor, not the doctor himself] but even if I went with another doctor, SOMEONE is likely to email me and say that I shouldn't go with that doctor. I feel as if people are really thinking I am so naive, and in some areas maybe I am. But I feel good about my decision as of now, and unless something changes, isn't that all that matters, that *I* feel good with the decision that I made? It is no one Else's back but my own. I AM doing research, I AM reading all I can, I AM thinking of all the questions that have been brought to my attention, I AM going to ask these questions. I AM NOT just sitting here, thinking, that this is going to be a piece of cake, I AM NOT sitting here doing nothing. I HAVE tried physical therapy, massages, pain management, everything. I AM going through with this, with Doctor Shelokov, UNLESS something happens and I must make another serious decision. THAT is where all this research and reading comes into play. The FINAL answer will come to me on October 17th.

I really am not trying to sound like a bitch in all of this. And I understand people are just concerned. But I feel that what I am doing is the right decision. And I KNOW that if I chose another doctor, someone else would email me with their opinions on that doctor as well. This decision is the HARDEST one I have ever, and probably WILL EVER have to make. And its not something I am taking lightly.


Anonymous said...

Do not let ANYONE bring you down. You've come too far. Continue putting it in God's hands, you will be lead the right direction. I think you've made a tremendous decision, and a good one at that.

Anonymous said...


My name is Laura and I came across your blog because I've been seriously considering surgery for my scoliosis as well. I'm 32 and I live in Austin, TX. I have my first appointment w/Dr. Shelokov in December. I'd like to get in touch with you, as I am only a few months behind you in the whole frightening process, and it would be nice to have someone who is going through this with me to talk to. Please email me at Thank you!